Despite the highly ambient vocation of Silas and Fontanazza, this release aims to be a “not strictly ambient” album.
All the tracks of this “I See! Can You Hear?” release come out of the fruitful collaboration between Cousin Silas and Gaetano Fontanazza, two well-known artist s here at Sucumusic. Despite the highly ambient vocation of Silas and Fontanazza, this release aims to be a “not strictly ambient” album.
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Psychedelic music was not about tradition. Psychedelic music was all about innovation, the use of state-of-the-art technology and the opening of the musical mind, so that new, theretofore unheard-of territories could be mapped and revealed to the world. This is the second Francesco Lenzi's release for Sucumusic, out for the Netlabel Day 2019 In Stephen Briggs's own words, the seven tracks included in his latest effort for Sucumusic, “Earthbound”, show "the true New Zealand". The scenery, the emotions, the feeling, the atmosphere, the relief, the flow, the space, the sun, the sky, the glow. His live looping and guitar playing create soundscapes which bring the term 'psychedelic' right into its truest meaning, that of inner revelation and expansion of conscience and mind. Sucu Music is very happy to release ‘Harmony and Trees’, a work by Francesco Lenzi, a guitarist from Arezzo, Tuscany, whose musical offering he himself calls ‘sober psychedelia’. Well, if you’ve thought so far there can’t possibly be any psychedelic music without mind-fucking substances, we think you will have to reconsider it all after listening to this superb work. |
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Marzo 2021